And I would move 600 miles…

But maybe not 600 more.

No that is not a typo I can assure you.

I have officially moved, no longer a Londoner, although it might take a while to take the London out of me, after all it is a massive adjustment.

So it is official, the first month of 2024 myself and my family moved 600 miles north of London, and so far it has been the best decision we have ever made.

Our Goodbye to London photo one of the last ones we took on our way to our new adventure.

We ended up taking the Caledonian Sleeper (a very lovely journey I might add) to Aberdeen.

The train was an absolute highlight on the long long journey north, something hubby and toddler had been incredibly excited by. The staff are all wonderfully helpful to so while it may be a bumpy night sleep that’s all there is to grumble about, when you’re used to a stationary bed one that physically moves and transports you a few hundred miles over night will be an experience.

We awoke in a rather bracingly cold Aberdeen and killed the wait for the ferry in the shopping centre. We then hopped a lovely Northlink Ferry and off we went. It was definitely not a smooth sailing. But I am pleased or proud to say I didn’t throw up once, though it was tempting.

We arrived very, very, very late at night to a snowy Kirkwall, apparently there’s not been weather like this in quite a few years. We have had a baptism by snow instead of fire.

Safe to say the first 24 hours in our new home was a bit cold.

New Year… New Goals!

For the last few years my version of a New Years Resolution has been the 24/7 goals.

How does it work?

I hear no one ask… Well it is fairly simple, you set 24 goals to achieve across the year, big or small (although give yourself a couple of fairly easy to achieve ones in order to get a little dopamine hit of ticking them off). In that time the minimum you need to complete is 7, that’s all you have to do to be able to say “I completed my New Years resolution this year.”

For the past few years, I have indeed completed the dreaded “New Years Resolution” with a couple of goals to spare, last year I managed a grand total of 10 out of 24.

So what counts?

Anything really.

Your goal list could include:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables (or just healthier in general)
  • Walk more
  • Exercise
  • Visit a beach
  • Develop a new routine
  • Deep clean the house a few times this year
  • Have a clear out and de-clutter
  • Spend time with family or friends
  • Watch a whole tv series
  • Complete a savings goal
  • Something mega practical and boring like make a will
  • Complete a crafting project
  • Learn a new skill
  • Read x number of books
  • Cook something new
  • Set up a “work” space
  • Create a new habbit
  • Organise Christmas by July if you have the motivation
  • Get a hobby
  • Move house
  • Get that job change done and dusted
  • Career change
  • Midlife crisis

The point is the list is going to be something you want to do. You could even get super accurate or organised and give yourself targeted goals. You could base some goals around your health (physical, emotional, spiritual and even financial), your environment (home, work and adventures), the relationships in your life (at home, work and your community) and your growth (career, finances, creativity, the time you spend at rest and play). These goals can be what you need for yourself, what you want and need for your whole life “glow up” process.