Well almost, as always, wanted to kick this out there a bit early.

The close of another year, a roller coaster, not as horrific as last year, not as soul destroying but very trying.

I suppose this would be my chance to reveal a catalogue of the year that’s passed, the good the bad and the ugly. To purge the grievances and hurt to start next year fresh. I would love to do that, be completely free. I haven’t felt completely free since I turned nineteen and to be honest I think a lot of that was denial.

But I don’t want a laundry list purging the past, its hard to imagine freedom, not now. The place I find my freedom is with pen and paper, using words to find the freedom, its the release breaking free of everything that passed. Repeating the past here, would be so counter productive, if I want to move on, I have to do it without looking back over my shoulder every time. And that is totally fine. I just want to breath.

Maybe the year a head will finally have that miraculous life changing glow I don’t know. I just cant tell what is around the corner this time. Normally I know, if its going to be a really big something coming my way, I can sense the energy. Right now, I don’t know. I don’t intend to count chickens and guess. But whatever happens I want to try to be positive. I want to change the world in a good way. But who knows what will happen.

But whatever the year ahead brings, please just be safe, be happy and remember that one day, your life might just change and I hope it is for the better.

Coryburn Girls Secrets (4)

All girls have their secrets, here’s some just for you.


Who did I most enjoy writing character wise?

Although I would love to say my alter ego Annabella, who I had originally intended to name Annabellarose, but found the name incredibly frustrating to write every single time, I have to say, it’s Kayetelynn even if the spelling induces that red squiggly line from hell that brands you an idiot for not being able to spell.

Kayetelynn was a reflective alter ego of a very cherished friends, their own dark side alter ego. Kayetelynn pronounced like the average Caitlynn has her own brand of questionable morals. She had the happy go lucky cushion of innocence  tainted with that dark fog of being obviously pretty. I found it fun interacting with the character, testing her because I couldn’t always tell what was the truth or the lie with her. Kayetelynn is the fun flip side of a coin that is along for the ride. She is absolutely brilliant.

Happy Christmas

I’ll get this out early because I doubt anyone will look on the day

Well the year has gone by too fast, too quick, Christmas has managed to sneak up on us all to quickly. I wonder where this year went.

After the last few years I am a little jaded, but it could be worse. But I do fully intend to spend most of these holidays working, tweaking and perfecting, something which I sincerely hope to be special.

It has been rough, but there is always something special about Christmas, it has that strange bit of magic where you can believe in a fairy tale and hope for something different to come your way. Some magical non material happiness.

There are so many tests throughout the year, with Christmas having approached with increasing pressure I will appreciate my loved ones that much more.

In short


Coryburn Girls Secrets (3)

All girls have their secrets, here’s some just for you.


What about the best friend?


Ah! Tarron! He is so sweet and nice. I feel so bad for him having friends like them. But he is such a good guy its unfortunate he has fallen in with a bad crowd. But it happens to the best and the worst.

Tarron is actually based on a few of my friends, they seemed to all get combined in a giant mixer with their goodness and it came out as it is one guy. It is such a huge shame. Tarron has been friends with the girls for years he has watched them grow up into beautifully unique women. He has seen the glimpses of goodness in them, and as it can be easy to do when you are lonely, he has ignored the bad in them.

Tarron is such a darling, he is plain, not in a bad way. But if he was a candy he would be a marshmallow; ok on his own but better served with naughty extras. That’s fine by him, because all he wants is a very normal, very ordinary life, it suits him because it’s what he has always known growing up.

Coryburn Girls Secrets (2)

All girls have their secrets, here’s some just for you.


What about the parents?


I found Chrystyne and Eustace Coryburn a lot of fun.

There is a hint of a cult-ish behaviour, but to be honest, due to their eccentricities I could easily imagine them to have a strange interest in the darkest corners of the BDSM circuit but I couldn’t be cruel to “out” them like that in the book itself, its their personal secret.

I absolutely love the relationship and bond that the pair have its very intense. If i sat in the room with them I would feel very uncomfortable. They have the strange energy produced by their natural, predatory demeanor that settles heavily in the air like a thick perfume that lingers long after the wearer is gone. That and their intimacy and affection for each other exceeds what would could be classed as common place.

I absolutely love the scenes they appear in, and construct absolutely bewitching alpha type personalities. Which often clashes with their two daughters causing some of that fun disfucntionality in their relationship and their battles of wits and wills.